About me

fullsizeoutput_1f1-e1530169479136.jpegHello and Welcome to my blog site. Reading has always been about absorbing and filtering with an open mind. Its always an enjoyable experience of understanding and incorporating a perspective. Often when reading, there may be opinions or beliefs we don’t agree with or those which don’t make any sense to us; which is okay. But, there is always something to learn from everything we read and experience.

These may be some words, pointers or sentences that really strike a chord. Only these really stay with us and influence us. Our mindset while reading, also plays an important part in absorbing these takeaways.

I enjoy researching and creating notes on different topics of interest as I read and explore from various reliable sources. This has led to a wonderful and useful collection of compiled notes which I have been  sharing with friends and family, much to their benefit.

Having completed a certificate course on Fitness, Nutrition & Optimal Health and also having worked as teacher for over a decade, most of the  topics I research and write on are about  Health, Nutrition, Fitness, Children, Life Skills, etc.

Learning amazes me and there is always so much to learn and explore. Compiling notes has been beneficial, since a whole lot of information can be summarised and read or referred to  very easily. So, as I continue to do so, here, I take the opportunity of sharing them with you. Hope you find them useful too.